Is smart pet products a new development trend?

A few years ago, a ranking of spending power circulated on the Internet, women > young women > children > elderly > dogs > men. It can be seen that the rapid growth of the consumption power of the pet market is evident

in recent years, the sales of smart pet products on major platforms have achieved rapid growth.

Take China’s Singles’ Day in 2020 as an example.  The sales of smart pet products on Tmall increased by over 500%, and the turnover of pet products in the first ten minutes of the event on JD platform increased by 33 times year-on-year. 

Due to COVID-19, the pet boom has emerged, prompting an explosive growth in the pet industry.

The American Pet Products Association predicts that Americans may spend hundreds of billions of dollars on pet products this year at a record high. Relevant data show that in the United States, more families have pets than families with children. Among them, at least 43% of American households have pets. Many pet owners also stock up on funny videos, toys, trendy clothes, and even spray their pets with perfume.

In 2020, sales data from AliExpress, a subsidiary of Alibaba, showed that the overall sales of pet products increased by more than 70% year-on-year, and the categories with obvious increases included pet toys, pet automatic feeders, pet water dispensers and pet hair trimming tools.

Pet smart products are basically divided into automatic cat litter boxes, water fountain, feeders, companion devices, monitoring, etc.

At present, pet smart devices on the market include:

  • Smart feeding machines
  • Pet cameras, smart leashes
  • Smart water fountain
  • Smart positioning devices
  • Smart cat litter boxes
  • Health monitoring equipment
  • Smart heating and cooling nests
  • Smart training products

Among all categories, smart water fountain and smart feeders are the most popular.

Smart pet products
Smart pet products
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